Inside Colopalooza: Craig Jacobin
1999 Rookie of the Year, Dave “Flave” Oskorus strolls off the plane in Nixonian fashion to begin "Big Al No Stinky".
After a fairly salty appearance at Palooza 1998, our ‘99 edition is named “Big Al No Stinky” to head our boy off at the pass.
After a quick Paloozian beverage, the lads venture off to Golden's prestigious Table Mountain Inn. In the beginning, it is humorous that nobody appeared to be working at the front desk.
But after the first half hour and a long day of traveling, the pain begins to set in. For a brief moment, it looks like Big Al might get stinky...but instead gets sleepy. Here he is with B-Luv in the lobby.
Around the half hour mark, all hell breaks loose when Wreck & Smalls decide to amuse themselves by defiling the hotel's abandoned main dining room and giggle like hyenas.
Day two gets off to a strong start for Flave, Wreck & Smalls courtesy of some piping hot double lattes at Higher Grounds, a nice little cafe up the street from the hotel.
The Paloozians pose with their new favorite barista, who inexplicably insists on donning the commemorative “Big Al No Stinky” Palooza hat. What a trooper.
Then it was time for a real breakfast at the very same dining room where we'd behaved so respectfully just hours before. Not pretty!!
After breakfast, the Paloozians head off for the annual Coors Brewery Tour. Here's B-Luv wondering how we’ll fit this beer vat in the Paloozamobile.
Coors salutes the defenders of freedom. And the Paloozians salute Coors, which has defended their freedom for many years now.
Soon we meet Wes and his impressive Coors-induced beer gut. Life is good—he brings us fresh-roasted barley to taste, while we entertain him with sordid Paloozaian tales and marvel at his enormity. Truly a vision of all that is right about Colopalooza.
Admittedly, the tour can get a little slow at times when all you really want to do is move things along and hit the sample lounge.
The tour confirms what we have long suspected—B-Luv is definitely in the process of fermentation, especially late at night.
And there’s no doubt that if Al were the facility’s master brewer, he’d definitely be in charge of the aging process.
Finally it is time for us to sample the utter deliciousness of a freshly brewed of Original Coors, and Coors Light, and Killian’s Red.
Dean finds plenty to like in the Coors Merchandise store.
After a solid morning at the Coors Brewery the boys venture on to hit the tables at Blackhawk with whatever brain cells they have left. It doesn’t end well.
Finally, the Paloozians arrive at Darby Wilds Too, which is quickly coined “The Log Palace”.
The original Log Palace was owned by Chris’ father, The ClemLord. We’re not sure how Clem talked him into letting us stay there without parental supervision, but all Paloozians are forever grateful.
Just seconds before openly breaking several Colorado state wildlife laws, Flave and Wreck contemplate the Brookie bonanza that they hope lies ahead.
Two Paloozian founders having an impromptu board meeting on the balcony of the Log Palace.
Later that night, the Paloozians discover that the Blair Witch has moved into the Log Palace.
B-Luv doing a tremendous impersonation of Whoopie Goldberg in a bubble bath.
The spectator sports portion of the trip kicks into high gear with the perfect Paloozian breakfast--a couple of Coors Lights and the delightful Harvest House "cheeseburger dog".
Dave, Sean, Bill and Al enjoy some tasty beverages before the Buffs game.
Flave stands near the primary watering hole before countless Buffs games, the long-standing Gazebo Bar behind the Harvest House Hotel.
Smalls surprises the Paloozians with the addition of a Colopalooza brick near the Ralphie statue outside Folsom Field.
The Buffs make their big entrance behind the best mascot in college football.
The Buffs mascot “Chip” makes his way around the south end zone on a skateboard.
Colorado scores early and often versus San Jose St to secure a dominant 62-35 win and nearly reaching a game total of 100 points.
The boys sneak onto Folsom Field long after the game to throw the ball around. Here’s Smalls catching a game winning TD.
With his stinky meter about hit overdrive, Big Al lets Smalls know what he thinks about being woken up during Colopalooza.
B-Luv gives the Paloozians a little glimpse of what Sir Mix-a-Lot had in mind when he wrote “Baby Got Back”.
Big Al settles with a nice cup of joe as he waits for his fellow Paloozians to get ready.
With our Broncos game not slated until Monday, the Paloozians amble over to the famed “Dark Horse” in Boulder to watch the start of the NFL season.
Al and Sean at the Dark Horse trying to decide between the Jiffy Burger and the Royale Burger.
In a reprise scene of several Paloozas, Wreck stretches out in front of Wynkoop Brewpub before the boys head in for some afternoon libations.
Inspired by Dinky's Mulderian obsession with the unknown, Big Al joins him to search for the truth. It is in there somewhere.
Captured for the first time on film, the notoriously judgemental “finger of doom” is displayed here at Wykoop.
To prepare for the Broncos-Dolphins game, the boys amble over to Croc’s for some green chili and frosty cold ones.
Here are the lads enjoying a perfect September afternoon on the patio of Croc’s before kickoff.
Fireworks explode above Bucky and the South Stands faithful as the Broncos get ready to kick off their last season of the millennium.
So long to John Elway and hello to the worst Broncos season since 1975, as Miami beats Denver 38-21. Has a new Colopalooza curse have begun? We’ll find out next year.
Inside Colopalooza: Craig Jacobin